Friday, October 15, 2010

The Apple iPhone and the set-top box products will be the first to support 264 format short YouTube video.

The Apple iPhone and the set-top box products will be the first to support 264 format short YouTube video. .another remarkable movement that Apple recently launched a Windows version of the browser. Although early yet to see and work closely with Google, but analysts believe that Google will be the future upper hand through Safari, Safari in the Google content integration also will exceed the current level of built-in search engine. .Joost team analysis Apple is offering a powerful brand and design ability to control the user Moncler terminal, while Google will provide content through Apple channels and services.analysis also speculated that the cooperation of both sides there is a great source of fascination for space, such as future iPhone built a digital camera, the user photographs or video can be instantly uploaded to Google's YouTube and Picasa Web site up. .Joost also worried about the future of Apple and Google co-operation in the video will be a threat to Joost Internet TV development. (Linghu up) .reproduced 2: 98 billion U.S. dollars worth of apples two years beyond the market value of 158 billion U.S. dollars of IBM .no doubt that Apple (Nsdaq: AAPL) is in the company of another peak time.

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