Monday, September 27, 2010

But Google has always been throughout the process so special

But Google has always been throughout the process so special, it has been wearing an ideal jersey doctrine has subverted the traditional profit model, and christian louboutin declared that his mission was . do not be evil any attempt to interpret the traditional way will be Google's attempt ended in failure, because the company's operation is entirely of its original, of course, this does not mean it is immutable. Google's development is based on a non-treaty of cooperation on, and it is in full accordance with the preferences of the two days ahead, the two do not take the unusual way the people that Page and Brin. 2004 spring Google listed in the eve of its founders, wrote a letter to all christian louboutin shoes investors, the beginning of the letter pointed out: do not be evil. Larry.Page wrote: We do not intend to become the kind of company. by this motto, we hope to accurately express the most valuable strength is in mm always do the right, consistent with moral issues, evil even lose some short-term profits, but in the long run we will continue to receive substantial income mm as a shareholder or through other means, this is our core values, and our employees agree with this view. while to figure out the principle of not evil, we must first make sense of Google's business model. millions of people love this search engine Google can not rely on what is understood to make christian louboutin sale money, because they are free to use it. There are many people can not tell free search results with ads that appear next to the distinction.

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